DMARC Aggregate Report Visualizer

Published on 2024-01-24

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DMARC Aggregate Report Visualizer


Code on Github: Install DMARC Report Visualizer

This is an open source data visualizer to help you analyze your DMARC Aggregate Reports. Watch the 5 minute video to see how you can install and start using this tool. If you wish to reverse engineer this tool for other applications, you can watch this 1 hour lecture that explains the source code line by line.

Here is a screenshot of the tool:

Screenshot of DMARC Visualizer


A Linux Machine with Docker and Docker Compose installed.


Assume the ~/ reflects your project directory, meaning the same directory as the file docker-compose.yml. So if your docker-compose.yml is in /home/stephanie/dmarc/docker-compose.yml, then all mentions of ~/ in the instructions below will mean /home/stephanie/dmarc/.

Start Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana

  1. Make a copy of ~/env.sample to ~/.env. Optional - customize settings for better security.
  2. Type cd ~/ to return to project directory.
  3. Type docker-compose up --build -d to start up the ELK project.
  4. Login with elastic and the password found in the ~/.env file to ensure the entire ELK stack is up and running.
  5. Open your web browser and go to https://<ip address or hostname of kibana>:5601.
  6. Accept any security warnings about untrusted SSL certificates.

Ingest Data

  1. Make a copy of ~/parser/env.sample to ~/parser/.env. Optional - customize settings for better security.
  2. Put all your zipped DMARC aggregation reports into the ~/parser/logs/zipped/. Sample DMARC aggregration reports can be copied from ~/parser/logs/zipped-sample/. The zipped DMARC reports should end with any of the following filename extensions: *.gz or *.zip.
  3. Type docker exec -it dmarc-parser-1 ./ to extract, transform and load DMARC aggregation data into your ELK stack.
  4. Go to your web browser in Kibana and go to Dashboards to see your DMARC Dashboard.